Sea Lions and Serious Conversations.

Earlier this week, our 9-year old seemed distraught. When I asked her what was wrong, she said, "Mom, I just don't know what I'm supposed to be when I grow up. I really thought I would want to be a wild animal veterinarian, but now I just don't know anymore." I told her she doesn't have to know. That she can spend the next 9 years not knowing and that's ok. I eased her mind by telling her that God made her unique and special, and whatever He's called her to do will be obvious as time goes on because He already wired her to do it. She's going to be interested in it, and she'll be gifted for it. Amazing how God works. There's just really nothing to worry about when we follow Him. So why do I worry so much? That's for another blog post at a later date.

Today, we visited our zoo and saw our beloved sea lion Cisco. He's being rehabilitated from a shark bite. Isn't he the most gorgeous creature?

Can you see the love? He stopped and stared for the longest time, as if trying to tell my kids he wanted to be their friend. It was breathtaking.

I don't know what God has called this girl to, but I do know she'll do great things in His kingdom. And if it has anything to do with animals, I know she'll love it.
